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Search Wistia Medias and Projects
AvatarDarin Doria
31 Installs


Raycast extension to search through your Wistia Medias and Projects.

Find this extension on the Raycast store raycast-extensions is released under the MIT license. PRs welcome! Follow @_darindoria

Getting your API Token

(❕ TIP: go to https://docs.wistia.com/docs/making-api-requests#getting-started for the latest instructions)

Before you can search through your Wistia projects and medias, you need to provide your Wistia API key.

  1. Sign into your Wistia account
  2. In the nav bar go to Account > Settings (https://account.wistia.com/account/)
  3. In the side navigation go to API Access (https://account.wistia.com/account/api)
  4. Click on New token
  5. Enter a name of your choice e.g. "Raycast Token" and tick Read all data
  6. Copy the tokn and provide it on setup.