Enhance your research and learning journey with this powerful Raycast extension for Notion. This extension offers two primary features: Adding a Concept and Adding a Paper to your Notion workspace.
Are your ChatGPT interactions getting lost in endless threads? The Adding a Concept
feature lets you effortlessly transfer responses from ChatGPT to a designated Notion database. Simply choose a name for the concept, and let the extension handle the rest.
Effortlessly organize your research papers from Arxiv into your Notion database using the Adding a Paper
command. This feature:
arXiv is a free distribution service and open-access archive for scholarly articles.
Create a Research Database: Use the "Create Research Database" command to set up a database under your preferred Notion page. (Note: The page must have a non-empty title.)
Add Papers: To add research papers, copy one or multiple Arxiv URLs and paste them into the "Add Research Paper" command. Once loaded, press enter to complete the action.
Create a Notion database with a column named "Title". Locate the database key in the URL and add it to the extension preferences. For example, the database key in the following URL https://www.notion.so/testuser/c0320379be2440ce8bc48b1889663122?v=b1aa958d689342a5a857a7d46d4835aa
is c0320379be2440ce8bc48b1889663122